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Adjusting Directory Listings

How to swap out your old RSS Feed on different directories for your new one!

Success Team avatar
Written by Success Team
Updated over a week ago

If you've imported your podcast over from a previous host, you may be listed on some directories using your old RSS Feed. These will need to be corrected, or your listeners won't receive your new episodes!
​Note: Most of these can be switched by applying a redirect to your RSS Feed pointing to your new one.

Apple Podcasts

Log in to your Podcasts Connect account and click on your podcast. Then just replace the RSS Feed in the type box with your new one.
If you don't have access to the Apple account your podcast was submitted from, for example if it was submitted from your old hosts account, they will either need to swap out your RSS Feeds for you, or remove the podcast from their account completely so let them know!


You'll need to email the Spotify team: [email protected]
Let them know that you need the old feed switched out to your new feed, including both your old and new feeds for their reference.


You'll need to email the Stitcher team: [email protected]
Let them know that you need the old feed switched out to your new feed, including both your old and new feeds for their reference.

Pocket Casts

This one should automatically update as long as there is a 301 redirect on your old feed pointing to your new feed. If you are unable to do this, please email the team at [email protected] (Be aware they are a small team so it may take a little longer to get a reply!)


You'll need to email the Acast team: [email protected]
Let them know that you need the old feed switched out to your new feed, including both your old and new feeds for their reference.


The guys at TuneIn actually have a handy form that you can fill in to ask them to change your RSS Feed over. This can take a little while to complete and they should let you know when it's all done!

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