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Finding your Directory URL's

Offer your listeners more subscribe options on your Podcast's page and players to expand your show's presence.

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Written by Success Team
Updated over a week ago pages and players include a subscribe button. By default this will send listeners to your RSS feed which can be added to their favourite podcast app. However you can provide listeners with more choice by adding direct links to your podcast's directory listings, cutting out the RSS feed all together.

Some podcast services such as Apple Podcasts also include marketing tools such as web players and buttons which can help you extend your show's reach. More information will be available in this guide.

Tip: If you take advantage of our free one click submission service we will automatically populate most of these directories for you.

Getting started

You can find the Directories options within your App. Head to Share & Publish > RSS & Publishing. This is where you will add your directory links. Not all of them are required. Only the subscribe options you add links to will appear on your page and players. 

Audio Apps

Apple Podcasts (iTunes on Windows)

Head to Apple Podcasts Marketing Tools then search for your Podcast's name.

Click your podcast to open the sharing options for your show.
Your sharing options will appear. The Content Link is what you'll need to paste into your Studio to enable the 'Apple Podcasts' link on our players and your page.

Apple also offer a variety of sharing tools, including embeddable badges, web players and QR codes.

If you are not listed on Apple Podcasts yet, we strongly recommend you do so. Follow this guide for more information.

Pocket Casts

This service provides a unique ID for your podcast. The easiest way to find it is to submit your Podcast to them. If you've done this already don't worry, it won't re-submit your Podcast.

Head to the Pocket Casts submission form and paste in your Podcast RSS Feed. This is found at the top of the publishing page in your App. 

Click Submit. You'll receive your short URL (  which can be added to your App directories page.


Head to Spotify's search service and search for your podcast's name. Click it to open it's Spotify page. You do not need to be logged in to access this.

Click the Actions button (...) then Copy Show Link. Paste this into the Spotify section your App.

If you are not listed on Spotify yet, please follow this guide.

Web Directories

Getting the link for these services is a similar process for each. Visit the website, search for your Podcast, open it's page then copy the link from your browser. We've provided instructions for acast below, however this also applies to:

  • Tunein

  • Stitcher

To get listed on Web directories, please follow the relevant guides below:

Other Directories uses third party API's provided by Listen Notes and Podchaser to add shows to lesser known directories.

If there's a popular directory in your location that's not listed on our services, contact us and we will look into adding it.

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