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Submissions Process

Get your podcast distributed to all main podcast listening platforms.

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Written by Success Team
Updated over a week ago

Note: Apple submissions will be slowly returning to normal over the next month or so. Please contact us if you require Apple submissions from us directly.

Make sure you have at least a Trailer or 1 Episode live in your podcast, then head to your Share & Publish tab.

Here you have 2 different options to choose from. Click the button that matches how you want to proceed with Submitting your podcast.

Distribute My Podcast

This option will send a request to our Submissions team and they will start on that for you as soon as they can. You can keep track of their progress easily in your Share & Publish tab as all icons start greyed out and change to colour once we have them done. This process usually takes up to 7 days maximum.

Status Messages:

  • Submissions Pending: Your request has been sent to our team.

  • We're working on it!: Our team are busy submitting your podcast everywhere!

  • Verifying your listings: Our team are waiting for verification from the directories.

  • You're listed everywhere: It's all done! You can click on any icon to go to your podcast!

  • There's a problem: Somethings gone wrong! Check the reason for rejection in the box and then try again once this is fixed.

I'd prefer to manage this myself

Want to do your own Submissions? No problem! Once you click this button, you'll see the Directory Link boxes. 

Use our Help Guides to go through submitting your podcast to these different directories, and then once you have a link to your podcast in these directories, paste the links into the right boxes here.

If you change your mind and would like us to submit to these directories for you instead, just click the One Click Distribution at the top!

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